IPBC - International Panel on Behavior Change
GIECO - Groupe International d’Experts sur les Changements de Comportement

A scientific and societal mission

Our planet is undergoing major changes in its environment and climate, directly induced by our development and behavior (anthropocene). To reverse the trend, we also know that informing and raising awareness is not enough.

Like the IPCC for the climate, we must understand and model our human ecosystem in all its complexity, in order to better anticipate (trajectories), orient and coordinate our actions and investments.

To this end, the IPBC has set itself a double mission:

  • integrate all the knowledge acquired, fundamental and applied, on individual, social and organizational behavior;
  • share and make accessible key knowledge, attitudes and levers for action, universal or contextualizable, as to facilitate the emergence of a more structurally and spontaneously sustainable, desirable and equitable world.

Who we are...

An international and large interdisciplinary group of scientists aroud behavior has formed and worked over past year to define the objectives and methodology of the IPBC.


In order to optimize the scientific and societal relevance of IPBC productions, we have launched 3 working groups (WG): scientists (WG1), economic actors (WG2), other stakeholders and institutions (WG3).

What we have done today...

About COVID crisis… 

The pandemic gived us the opportunity to assess our individual, collective and organizational capacities to face a global and planetary problem.

About transitions in organizations: see the 1st mixed (micro) Report of WG2 / WG1 on problems and expectations of economics actors to support transitions.

What we plan...

Main and Thematic Reports that will summarize the state-of-the-art knowledges on environmentally related behavior change.


Scanning all fundamental and applied disciplines (> 30) around behavior / Human Factor (HF) on an unprecedented scale, for policies, indicators & practices more robust and  predictive, for real sustainable, desirable and fair transitions.

What you can do...

Sign our Manifesto! Even if IPBC exist today, we all need to demonstrate that our development ans institutionalisation is supported by all stakeholders…


Support the production of the 1st Main Report


Join Alliance for the IPBC, to  guarantee its independence and pertinence (links to Alliance website just below too).

To join the IPBC (English) or GIECO* (French) Alliance website, click on the appropriate button infra: 

* In French, the IPBC is “Groupe International d’Experts sur les Changements de Comportement (GIECO)”.

The biggest obstacle to dealing with climate
disruptions lies between your ears

Per Espen Stoknes

(Norwegian researcher and Parliament representative)

I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity
loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems.

But I was wrong.

The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy…

… and to deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural transformation

– and we scientists don’t know how to do that. 

Per Gus Speth

(american environmental lawyer and avocate)