News & Newsletter

Updated: Nov 05, 2024


IPBC November 2024 News

IPBC August 2022 News

Dear colleagues and friends,

As planned, we organized our first General Assembly in June, which presented the results of the activities carried out since our creation, put into perspective our (major) ambitions for the coming quarters, in particular the effective launch of the drafting of the 1st Main Report. .

All the points presented were validated unanimously.


We also organized the 1st Day of the Alliance for IPBC (GIECO) on June 10, which brought together around fifty face-to-face participants in Paris and around a hundred remotely.

Many expressed their desire to contribute to the development of the Alliance on the online questionnaire (see attached document, FR version).


Editor: Jacques Fradin

IPBC January 2022 Newsletter

From the IPBC Board

Dear colleagues and friends,

Another Covid year has passed and 2022 might be yet another one but for us, it is the year we launch the process for our FIRST Main Report (MR-1)! The WG1 (scientists) will thus be very soon called upon to voice their intention relative to the report and other logistical issues. We will also have our next GENERAL ASSEMBLY, in April, aimed at officially launching the MR-1 process. In this newsletter, you will find news from our i) Alliance with private partners; ii) our contribution to different French national bodies and; iii) our new partnerships with several cities in France (WG3). Last but not least, we welcome several new scientific members to our WG1! 

Looking forward to moving forward with you,

Main editor: Stéphane La Branche

Contributors: Camille Lefrançois and Jacques Fradin

To download Newsletter 3

From the IPBC Board

Dear colleagues and friends,

Our first report, in our ‘Informed Food for Thoughts’ collection was published with articles on the drivers of behavioral change and non change relative to the Covid situation, and its potential lessons for ecological transition. Beyond the interest of these articles, this exercise also allowed Stephane and us to better see how to orchestrate the organisation and production of such a report, knowing that the next ones aim to be more ambitious in terms of multidisciplinarity, scientific tone and size. Our aim is to produce a thematic report within the next two years. We will of course keep you posted and ask for your contributions on this in the following months! The report is in attached file. Thank you for spreading it as much as possible in your networks![….]


Main editor: Stéphane La Branche

Contributors: Camille Lefrançois and Jacques Fradin 


To download Newsletter 2

From the IPBC Board

Dear colleagues and friends, First, let me…

Welcome you to our very first newsletter! Some of you may not have received much feedback in the last few months but we want to assure you that we have been active! Hence, this brand new IPBC Newsletter to keep you posted, And which will probably become a recurring (if not entirely regular at first) publication. We will work on form and content, as well as diffusion methods.All suggestions are welcome!



Main editor: Stéphane La Branche

Contributors: Camille Lefrançois and Jacques Fradin 

Thanks to Uri Roll for the Visual.


To download Newsletter 1.

The Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw supports the initiative to establish an interdisciplinary, International Panel for Behavior Change (IPBC. The aim of the panel is to develop and propose solutions that respond to global challenges related to environmental, climate and health threats. We encourage you to read the content The IPBC Manifesto and to express your support by signing at